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''prod. thundaa''
Gaslight me you ain’t right for me
Torn between love not it really
Talk to you your not there for me
Made me feel crazy
Up my meds maybe
Took Xanax to feel relaxed
Made me stop cryin
Can I get more at
Beat around the bush thought of that revolver
Kill myself it would be an honor
I sit hear questionin sanity
Wna cut my body in bloody pieces
It’s a shame born without a thesis
I’m only here cuz of a penis
I’m terrified to die
And I’m gna die
Won’t bring anything into the world
that is gna die
Be it while it may
I don’t like July
See these ugly eyes
Now I cut into my inner thigh
Made me cry
Did I mention I don’t like me either
No need to remind me
I understand I’m fat and grimey
I spend your money
I am bad timing
Might as well be a ghost
Haunt u anyway
Make you feel all kinda thangs
Sense of direction went the other way
Discuss issues
well not today
when I do it’s like it’s not okay
Tell u my feelings
Im insane
Hide my self inside on a sunny day
Hate myself even more cuz I know I’ll stay,
Don’t have examples
To be in love, it’s substantial
Does it matter
Scitter scatter
There’s a pattern
Took a mad turn
It’s a stab yearn
I was a runner and you made me fatter
I can play the blame game
U do the same thang
Talk about why u hate may
Like u didn’t make me this way
Like I don’t feel the same way
But what
Self esteem sucks
Make no bucks
Sleep all day
No good dreams come
Haven’t said u love me in like 3 months
We both mean mug
It don’t mean none
I’m forever sad
Prayed more than I ever had
I’m a shitty person I don’t see my dad
Cup full of sins
Gotta car full of limbs
Let me pick which lane I’ll swerve in
Omitted the suicide committed
Kid’s old enough to know I ever existed
Really turns out that we aren’t that different
I smell like piss
Ignominy, a face rag
Things aren’t changing
Inside raging
U want me sober, insisted
then offer me liquid, glass green tinted